Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Adam: 1 YEAR!

Well, I must have accidentally blinked because suddenly my littlest baby is already a year old! I realize I haven't properly documented his first year on here. Because the reality is -- life with 2 kiddos, working full time, being involved with church, and trying to find some time for quality time with Scott, cleaning the bathrooms, and sleeping as much as possible (which isn't always very much!)...is just a little consuming!

Little Adam -- my sweet, sweet baby-baby -- it does not mean that I love you any less. What is lacking here on the blog was hopefully justified by real-life snuggles, stories, songs, walks, and meals.

Dear Littlest,

Stay sweet, stay calm but curious, stay easy-going, and never stop dancing!! You may be quiet, but your eyes speak volumes -- I can tell when you're studying something, when you're frustrated, when you're excited, and when you are bursting with pure love. Those big, beautiful eyes! You have much more hair than your brother did at this age, which I love to lightly stroke while we're snuggling and laugh when I see it blowing in the breeze when you go for runs with Daddy. I know how much you love Grayson, and how you long to play with him! I appreciate your resilience when he's just a little too rough. And it melts my heart when you crawl to him and lay your head on him. I hope you will always be close friends, even if you both get a little hurt in the process sometimes! Thank you for rounding out our family and filling my heart! Thank you for willingly joining us for adventures and errands alike. And I know it's hard when things don't go the way you want them to. I understand your heartbreaking cry. Because it really does hurt when we don't get our way, when we lose something, when it's time to move on from something we love. Later in life you learn to control those big feelings, but sometimes I wonder if we all wouldn't benefit from crying big sloppy tears more often. So, go on. Share your feelings with me. I won't always be able to fix it, but I will always love you through it! Keep dancing and lifting your hands when the music moves you. Never let self-doubt get in the way of that natural response. I have a feeling you have a gift that involves music -- singing, dancing, or creating music in some way. I can't wait to see how that plays out! And my sweet, sweet baby, whatever you do, never forget that you are deeply loved! By me, by Daddy, by Grayson, by so many others in our family, and most importantly, by God. You are treasured. You are flawed but always loved. And nothing you can say or do will ever change that. 

Happy first birthday! 

December 2016

Christmas morning - 2016

January 2017

January 2017

January 2017

Feb. 2017

Feb. 2017

Feb. 2017

Feb. 2017

Feb. 2017

January 2017

Feb. 2017

Feb. 2017 - enjoying a Frosty

January 2017 - Oklahoma

January 2017 - first ride in an airplane! Going to Oklahoma!

Feb. 2017 - Opening Valentine's gift from Granna

9 month checkup!

First bath with Grayson

March 2017 - Gibb's Gardens

April 2017

April 2017

April 2017

April 2017

Easter 2017

Easter 2017

April 2017

April 2017

See? LOVES food!

Now, for the milestones/updates!

Mad Skills:

+ Crawling, pulling up, and cruising while holding onto furniture. He hasn't taken any independent steps yet, and won't stay up on his feet when I try to hold his hands, but I'm sure all that is just around the corner!

+ Babbling in more sentence-like sounds. Not saying many actual words yet. He can say "mama" and "dada" and "no-no." He tries to say things like "cah" (cat), "daw" (dog), "duh" (duck).

+ High-fives

+ Pointing

+ Eating! He loves food!

+ Going for runs with Daddy & Grayson


+ Movie: Moana

+ Song: "Hair Up" from Trolls

+ TV Show: Daniel Tiger

+ Book: Mr. Gumpy's Outing by John Burningham (according to school. We mostly read library books at home, so we don't keep them longer than a week or two.)

+ Toys: Sesame Street kitchen, play structure he can climb at school, stuffed Nala that he likes to hold onto in the car. 

+ Foods: black beans, banana oat pancakes, mandarin oranges, spaghetti, peaches, goldfish crackers, pouches, most foods that are given to him!


+ Chasing the cats, playing with Grayson, snuggling, climbing, DANCING, eating, taking baths and playing in the water. He will happily let you pour water on his head! Mommy and Daddy, sleeping in our bed, his paci, his banana toothbrush, looking out the windows, being outside, going for walks.


+ getting strapped into car seat, getting diaper or clothes changed, going to bed, being redirected when he's getting into something he shouldn't, having his face and hands cleaned.

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