Friday, August 19, 2011

Let's take the next me!

When I first created this blog, I was hesitant to put my email address on it. At first I had no intentions of reaching out to a broader audience than my friends and family. I wanted a way to share my Christian walk with those I love. I still want to do that, but since I've broadened my horizons and have started following blogs of many people I don't know in real life, I've started thinking of the beauty of meeting new people. I'm not worried about weirdos trying to email me. I mean, it's just an email account after all...not my home address! I want to get to know you all better! Please continue to comment as usual on my posts (or more than usual if you don't comment!!!), but also feel free to email me a response, question, or just to chat! It's on the main page...first thing on the left hand side, but I'll give it to you here, also. 


I know I'm way behind in the times as most of you are chatting, skyping, and even having real-life meetings (or, as you call them, blates). But I wanna jump on the band wagon! :) 

Talk to you soon,

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