Friday, February 3, 2012

Don't you dare say it's just muscle!

I have been trying to lose weight. For the past month my best friend and I have been keeping up with an accountability chart in Google docs where we track everything we eat and all the exercising we do. (Yes, I know there are apps and social networks out there for this sort of thing, but I like the way we do it!) I have been working my butt off. But not literally. Not literally at all.

The first week I lost 1.7 pounds. Then I lost 4.4, which was very exciting. But for the past 2 weeks I have steadily been gaining 1-2 pounds a week! It's SO frustrating!! I admit, I have to take some of the blame on this. I have made some bad choices with my diet. But not very many, and my workouts have been really intense. It doesn't seem fair that one piece of cake or a brownie should set me back when the rest of the week I eat good food and workout like crazy. So, I'm feeling a

And what's really frustrating is how much I set my self-worth on a number on the scale. I woke up this morning feeling really good (very sore, but good!). I thought I looked thinner. I feel healthier. I was expecting to have lost at least 2 pounds. And when I saw that I had, in fact, gained a pound, I was so disappointed. It was shocking. Totally not what I expected. I wish I could get back that feeling I had when I woke up. But ever since seeing that stupid number on the scale, I've felt lousy.

Do any of you battle with a number? Why does it even matter if we are being healthy? But it does. It just does.

Here's to hoping for a more positive weekend from here on out!



  1. Try having your weight suddenly change into kilograms. Also, I think it is more important that you feel healthier than what it says on some stupid scale. I mean, they aren't perfect, they fluctuate. I say if you feel healthier and your clothes fit better that is what matters.

  2. I don't care what the mean ol' Wii said, I think you look great:)


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