Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Double Standards

You know how we ladies always complain about double standards that work against us? Such as girls who sleep around are sluts, but guys who do it have "game." Well, I'm here to say there are some double standards that work against the guys, too. For instance, girls can get away with wearing a man's shirt and boxer shorts, but if a guy puts on a nightie he's suddenly a cross dresser! Okay..that one was mostly a joke! 

But there are some serious double standards in my marriage, and they do not work in the favor of the hubs! 

In our house, there are few, if any, gender roles. We both cook, clean, do laundry, etc... It's not considered MY job because I'm the woman. Scott willingly helps with all of these things. In fact, he's a better cook than I am and he's WAY more diligent about things like making the bed and promptly washing the dishes after dinner. But notice I said in our house. Outside of the house is a completely different story. While we share all of those typical "women's duties," I do not offer to help with the "man" jobs in any way. 

Cutting the grass = man's job
Taking the trash {I don't mind taking it out of the house, but we live in the country and have to drive our trash to the recycling center once our outside can is full. I willingly tag along and help sort the recycling into the proper bins, but I'm not about to pick up the smelly, rotting garbage and haul it over into a germ ridden dumpster.} = man's job
Washing the cars = man's job {in my defense, if he weren't so darned PICKY about how the cars were cleaned, I may offer to help.}

So, I guess I'm just trying to say...sorry, babe! But that's just the way it's gonna go. :) 

Oh, one inside the house man job = KILLING BUGS! 

Do you and your husband (or significant other) have specific, gender roles? Do you, like me, feel it's okay for a man to do woman work, but women shouldn't have to do man jobs? Feminists, attack me...now! ;)


  1. Haha you crack me up! My husband and I both do all of the stuff pretty much minus the yardwork. I am not a fan of that and my husband loves it. We both cook and my husband is a better cook than me...umm...both clean, mainly me...and mainly I do the laundry. Usually I do a lot because he just doesn't haha. I need to work on this! Following your blog now :)

    Ashley from Sloanbook

  2. you're so right! i'm with you on all the "both" jobs and then "husband" jobs :)

    it's nice being a wife to a helpful husband!

    Sam @ fitness food & faith


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