Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 11--BUGS!!

Day 11 is a picture of something I hate. Well...I hate bugs!! Pretty much any type of bug is scary to me. I would say that spiders, roaches, bees, and wasps are the most terrifying. There's nothing worse than unexpectedly walking through a spider web, finding a cockroach in your house, or that eerie buzzing that bees make as they relentlessly hover around you! Eeek!

I don't really own any pictures of bugs b/c...gross. So, I just found these online.

Ugh! Just searching for these pictures gave me chills....particularly the spider pictures. 

So, for the story of the day, I'm going to tell you about Bug Haters. When Scott and I started dating, I teased him about some of the silly Facebook groups he was in. One was called Bug Haters. It had 3 members. I gave him a hard time about it, even though I myself hate bugs. One day we decided it would be funny to try to build the group up--invite all our friends to join it, make up cool officer names, and post discussions of some of our most unpleasant bug stories. Most of the work was done by me, Scott, and my friend Chris (reference Day 10), but my sister-in-law Erin helped out, too. I think we finally got it up to 23 members. I just checked it today, and it has dropped to 17. haha! 

To go along with the bug theme, I thought I would paste in the discussion stories from Bug Haters for your reading pleasure! Enjoy! (PS--I cleaned up the language to make sure it was all family friendly!)

So this one time I sat on a wasp and it stung me. This is where my disdain for bugs began. It was 1989, 96 degrees outside on a scorching South Florida afternoon. I decide to get into my mothers car to beat the heat, and much to my surprise ( and the wasps as well) I happened upon it, crushing him once and for all. His death was not in vain though, oh no... he got me. He got me good. We\'re talking 3 days of benadryl people. Feel free to post some stories up about your close encounters of the bug kind. we have over 300 % growth in 24 hours!! Awesome work guys, I'm very proud of each and every one of you. Invite your friends, and remember- the only way we can live our bug free lives is through getting the word out. Much like in Gladiator : Stand together, die alone. Thank You

So one Spring Break in high school my friend Kaitlin and I went to New Orleans. We stayed with one of her mom's friends in a really old house. We had to sleep on the floor, and in the middle of the night one night I felt kinda itchy between my boobs. I was wearing a tanktop and I look down as I'm about to scratch and there's a HUGE cockroach just chillin' between my boobs! I freak out and frantically dig him out and fling him somewhere. Kaitlin wakes up (very grumpily) and asks what's wrong. I told her and she didn't even care! I didn't want to go back to sleep without finding him b/c I didn't want him crawling in my ears or nose. I expressed this concern to Kaitlin and she quite rudely suggested that I simply wear headphones and go back to sleep. So I did wear headphones, and I tried to sleep but it took me at least an hour b/c every little tickle I felt I was sure was a giant bug! I think I even had nightmares about roaches that night! Hopefully he was as scared as I was and had retreated into the wall somewhere. UGH! I HATE roaches!
So basically, I was in New Orleans, the bug got to see my boobies, and I didn't even get beads out of the deal! One more reason to hate bugs, they don't pay up! haha.

A double header:
1. Alright, so I am walking on the beach and I run into a spider web...what the flip! it's the dern beach. No flippin' trees, no shrubbery, not even a dern pine cone!

2. So, i'm walking through the wilderness with the keeper of divine seal action (my awesome officer title) and we are walking when BAM! a dern spider web all up in my face and junk. We had just trecked this path five minutes ago, it was a flippin' ambush!1111

Christy Murphey Curley (in response to Chris)
I officially do not walk through the group of trees between your house and your neighbor's. I walk all the way into the road and then up your driveway. What I want to know is: why are there hardly any webs in all the wilderness behind my house, but in that group of like 6 trees in your yard, there is one everywhere you turn??? It's like a NIGHTMARE! yep, the keeper of divine seal action don't mess with spiders! I'll just walk a little farther to see the questor of royalty action. ? haha. I don't have the gift of making the names cooler.

That is a very valid point Christy, the trees behind my house...flippin' evil. Remember that dog across the street? They got him. Poor little puppy didn't even see them...planning, stalking, thinking malicious thoughts....God help us.

the spiders ate him???? Oh boy! That's rough!

Okay, so that's the end! Hope you enjoyed these silly bug ramblings! Forgive me for taking you through inside-joke land. I know that can be annoying if you aren't on "the inside." 

Enjoy the remainder of your weekend, and happy Mother's Day! (too bad this post didn't line up with something that could have been dedicated to my mom. But...things that I hate was just not the one for Mom!)


  1. These stories are hilarious and sound so traumatic...we've had an infestation of tiny spiders in our house this week. Get me outta here!

  2. haha! Glad you enjoyed our stories! That sounds awful about your spider infestation!! I would run away...quick! Happy mother's day mommy-to-be! :)

  3. i grew up in the south so it's not like i haven't seen my share of bugs. but when the hubs and i moved to nyc, i had never seen roaches (i hate the word!) like they have here. i (seriously) have a panic attack if one makes it into the apartment.

  4. Really?? I always thought the South had the biggest roaches! I didn't know they could get any worse! Ick!


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