Thursday, May 19, 2011

Just Dance!

I'm on Day 22 of the 30 Day Photo Challenge. Today's challenge is something I wish I was better at. I always wish I could be a really amazing singer. I think it's because I'm already a good singer, which just makes me want to be better. BUT since I'm already okay at singing, I chose something else that I really don't think I'm good at but wish that I was. DANCING! I have taken dance classes, gotten low at many a party and bar, and regularly attended Cardio Dance classes and played Just Dance 2 on the Wii for exercise. I've even been on a Christian dance team. But I'm just kidding myself. I have no natural rhythm, I'm terribly clumsy, and I always seem to be a half beat off from everyone else. Now I will display some of my dancing moments...if only pictures could capture just how bad it is...

Sometimes you just don't know what to do.
PS--I was on the Orientation Team at school.
Hence the horrible outift.

Speaking of horrible outfits...
This was that dance team I was telling you about.
The horror, the horror...!

Scott & I like to act like we know what we're doing.
At least we're ridculously good looking.
It helps.

Sometimes it's not so good.
Yes, I realize how scary and weird this picture is.

A classic dance move.
Come hither.
Don't make me do this alone.
It's ok. This was my bachelorette party.
I was having a blast despite my dance abilities.
And I totally turned the floor into my own person stage when they played
"Pour Some Sugar on Me"

There I go with bills in my chest again.
How does this keep happening with me?
Maybe I have some sick secret fantasy about exotic dancing...
Doubt it.

My wedding was a great time to dance.
And I did a lot of it.
This is me doing the FoxTrot with my Grandpa.

We acted like we knew what we were doing.
Someone asked if we took lessons.
I said I would have demanded a refund if that was the case.
But who cares? It was fun!

I think we were getting down to some Usher's "Yeah."
Gotta have that finger dance.
That's dancing GOLD, right there!

It's okay b/c we're in love :)

Notice Scott's face.
Totally unsure of what he's doing.
I think just before this I said,
"Aren't you going to do anything??"

Well, those are just some of my fabulous dancing moments. There were more horrible costumes, off-pace steps, and even some crashing stumbles at times. I have a scar on my knee from falling down at a wedding while trying to "dip" my sister-in-law. Oops!

What do you wish YOU could do better?


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